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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
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Current Issue

National and cultural semantics and semiotic interpretation of the Yakut lexeme Ilge (on the material of Olonkho texts)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 6. Pp. 461-469.
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Popova G. S.
M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
58 Belinsky Street, 677000 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia
Danilov I. A.
M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
58 Belinsky Street, 677000 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia


In this article, the identification and description of national and cultural semantics of the Yakut lexeme Ilge, stored in the texts of the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho, as well as semiotic interpretation based on linguocultural comprehension of its meanings in the epic work are made. In order to obtain reliable results, 30 texts of the Yakut epos Olonkho, representing: a) various records and publications; b) works of different genres: folklore and literary Olonkho texts; c) all regional epic traditions of Yakut storytelling - central, Vilyui, and northern. By means of computer (automated) extraction of the required lexeme from a large array of texts, which ensures the quality of continuous sampling, 241 variations were identified. To describe the semantics of the studied lexeme, taking into account dictionary definitions and contextual meanings reflected in the Olonkho, the authors distinguished homonymy and polysemy of words, in which the semantic core is the word form Ilge. Semiotic model is constructed by the authors’ interpretation of the analyzed linguistic unit and its derivatives, the analysis of the Olonkho plots and conceptual functions of the studied concept reflected in the epos text. The hypothesis of the feminine and masculine elements of Sakha culture in the semantic aspect contained in the concepts of Yuryung Ilge and Aragas Ilge was confirmed. As a result of modeling, it was determined that the lexeme Ilge includes all four semiotic aspects: 1) (sign - sign) - syntactics; 2) (sign - meaning) - semantics; 3) (sign - object) - sigmatics; 4) (sign - person) - pragmatics.


  • • Olonkho
  • • Olonkho texts
  • • Olonkho language
  • • Yakut language
  • • semantics
  • • national and cultural semantics
  • • semiotic interpretation
  • • semasiology
  • • linguoculturology


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