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Scientific text by A. E. Kulakovsky on the etymology of the word “Yakut” as an object of linguistic study

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 6. Pp. 452-460.
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Sivtseva N. A.
A. E. Kulakovsky Institute of North-Eastern Federal University n. a. M. K. Ammosov; Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous Peoples Problems, Siberian Branch of RAS
42 Kulakovsky Street, 677013 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia; 1 Petrovsky Street, 677027 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia


The scientific works of A. E. Kulakovsky (1877-1926), the founder of Yakut imaginative literature, are of interest for modern researches. The purpose of this work is to study the scientific text of A. E. Kulakovsky, the article “On the origin of the word ‘Yakut’” from the position of content and structural composition. The new is the presentation of the article, which outlines the assumption of A. E. Kulakovsky about the etymology of the specified lexeme, in accordance with the principles and methods of concrete historical and linguistic analysis. For the first time, the structure of the text of the article, types and means of inter-phrasal communication in it are analyzed. A description of the historical situation of the appearance of the article is compiled, where the hypothesis of A. E. Kulakovsky about the origin of the specified lexeme is stated. The theses revealing his author’s position on the scientific problem as a researcher of language, folklore, and ethnography are analyzed. It is revealed that the clarity of the expression of the author’s position is reflected in the harmonious structure of the text of the article, the main type of inter-phrasal communication in which is the contact connection between sentences. The main means of inter-phrasal communication are established, expressed by adverbs then, then, because, the union but, whose main function is to strengthen the contact connection between syntactic constructions. As markers of the conclusion, statements of a generalizing nature, the introductory word finally and the introductory combination in this way are used. It is assumed that the article by A. E. Kulakovsky “On the origin of the word ‘Yakut’” appeared in the midst of a public discussion about the name and self-designation of the Yakuts, some of the results of which were presented on the pages of the republican periodical press of the 20s of the last century. It is determined that the article under consideration is an example of linguistic enlightenment by A. E. Kulakovsky, which acts as one of the main messages of his works on the Yakut language to his contemporaries and the subsequent generation of researchers.


  • • text
  • • structure
  • • etymology
  • • hypothesis
  • • meaning
  • • name
  • • self-name
  • • vocabulary
  • • lexeme
  • • discussion


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