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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

French reminiscences

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 4. Pp. 278-288.
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Metlov V. I.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Bldg. 4, 27 Lomonosovsky Avenue, 119991 Moscow, Russia


The paper is a description of the author’s stay in France, firstly as a stasher and after as a professor of the philosophy department in the Nice university. Author tells us about the stay conditions and subjects of his interests, characterizes briefly the principal philosophic center in Paris and province and their main representatives. Some problems are named which could form a domain of a fruitful collaboration the French and Russian philosophers. The text bears the traces of the author’s predilections in terms of theoretical and human qualities. Thus, reader shall not find here any appreciation of phenomenological movement, with which French philosophy is often identified. Authors sympathies are placed on the side of the logico-analytical tradition in France, which is not, appreciated enough in Russia. At the same time, the importance of getting over the conflict of the main philosophic tendencies is stressed. Great respect and gratitude are expressed in the article to the establishment and persons met by the author in France during his stay there.


  • • stasher
  • • philosophic centers
  • • professorship
  • • Paris
  • • province
  • • problems
  • • French
  • • philosophy
  • • logic


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