Man and the metamorphoses of modern social reality
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 4. Pp. 266-277.
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The modern world is characterized by an incredible diversity, complexity, and ambiguity caused by a number of circumstances: globalization, digitalization, social apathy, spiritual nihilism, etc. These circumstances have caused the main contradictions that have arisen between a person and society, and have caused a cultural confrontation between economically developed countries and the rest of the world. This has led to various metamorphoses of social reality: the unacceptability of the formed real social existence with its tragedies and contradictions; the actualization of the problems of social harmony; the desire to overcome the fundamental antinomies of human existence in the new world. It brings the aggravation of the problem of anthropological orientation. The authors highlight the idea that the person is in a state of anguish from the fact that the world created by himself became too complicated to understand, to realize opportunities, to get joy from the results of his work. The social and spiritual fractures of modernity have given anthropological problems a special philosophical appeal. Globalization, on the one hand, has focused the attention of researchers on the issues of preserving a person, his spirituality, identity, and on the other-on the structural components of modern society that affect the formation and development of individual and social consciousness, worldview, thinking, and the person himself. This is the reason why the changes that are taking place in the modern world are becoming sources of intensification of global relations that ensure the coordination of human and social life. Modern social reality is a complex interweaving of integration and transformation processes, which together lead to a deepening of heterogeneity and create conditions for the birth of a completely new model of the world, a new socio-historical structure with a completely unfamiliar individual and public consciousness. This affects a person’s understanding of his place in the world, changes in the social and spiritual organism of a person. Vast expanses open up before a person, generating numerous temptations that affect his worldview, culture, spirituality, and behavior.
- • human
- • social reality
- • social crisis
- • social fear
- • spirituality
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