Communicative and pragmatic adaptation of exotic words in historical discourse
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 4. Pp. 227-237.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: s.ivanova@lengu.ruAbstract
The object of this research is exotisms, that is, words borrowed from a foreign culture and representing a foreign cultural sign. The subject of the research is the communicative and pragmatic adaptation of exotic lexemes in the body of texts representing the discourse of history. Communicative and pragmatic adaptation is understood as the process of introducing an exotism and commenting on it. The article examines the ways of introducing exotic words into historical discourse, as well as the functions and effects of communicative and pragmatic adaptation. Among the functions exotic lexemes perform (nominative, cognitive, expressive, aesthetic, evaluative), the evaluative function is of utmost interest as it facilitates indirect evaluation and the implementation of the general cultural modality. One of the most important effects of using exotic lexemes in historical discourse is interdiscursiveness, which manifests itself in the openness of discourse and its integration with other types of discourse (political, academic, personal). The relevance of this study is due to the appeal to discursive, linguocultural and axiological problems. The discourse perspective makes it possible to focus on the combination of discursive practices, which leads to interdiscursiveness. In linguistic and cultural terms, the study addresses the idea of the general cultural modality and the ways of its transmission. The axiological angle is carried out through the investigation of direct and indirect ways of introducing evaluation into historical discourse. In addition, this study may be of interest to translators, since it specifies functions of exotic words in their interaction with conceptual information of the text, which influences the choice of the of translation techniques. The study employs linguistic methods of cultural commentary, definitional, contextual and distributional analyses. The research material was drawn from books on the history of Russia by English-speaking authors, as well as texts accompanying cultural events.
- • exotic words
- • discourse
- • discursive practice
- • interdiscursiveness
- • pragmatics
- • communicative and pragmatic adaptation
- • evaluation
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