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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
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Current Issue

Linguistic means of subjective modality representation in the novel “Under the Dome” by S. King

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 6. Pp. 391-398.
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Davydova M. M.
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
125 Lenin Avenue, 300026 Tula, Russia
Korableva E. A.
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
125 Lenin Avenue, 300026 Tula, Russia


The article is devoted to the study of linguistic means of subjective modality representation in the English literary text. A complete description of the category of modality is impossible without a textual approach. The text reflects the features of a particular language system, as well as the results of individual selection of language resources in accordance with the goals of the writer. In this article, modality is understood as the speech embodiment of the author’s image. The research material was the science fiction novel by Stephen King “Under the Dome.” The analysis of the modal aspect of this novel contributes to the study of numerous means of the category of modality representation thanks to which it is possible to understand the individual perception of the surrounding reality by S. King. Using the AntConc program, the author of the article analyzed the frequency of means of expressing subjective modality in the novel “Under the Dome.” As a result, the most common modal verbs (could, can, might) and modal words (maybe, probably, of course) were identified. Italics, capitalizing, and increasing the interval between letters in a word indicate the presence of the modal aspect of the novel at the graphic level. The analysis of the use of modal verbs and modal words in the novel leads the author to the conclusion that their role in the representation of subjective modality is great. Modal verbs denote possibility, ability, probability, necessity of performing an action expressed by a semantic verb, as well as various shades of assumption. Modal verbs, modal words, and graphic means complementing each other but differing in semantics and functions show the author’s perception of reality.


  • • category of modality
  • • subjective modality
  • • modal verbs
  • • modal words
  • • literary text
  • • English language


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