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N. V. Krushevsky in the assessment of american scientist J. Radwanska Williams

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 5. Pp. 352-361.
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Tazeev G. G.
Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs
128 Orenburgsky Road, 420059 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Shamseeva G. Kh.
Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs
128 Orenburgsky Road, 420059 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Akhmetzyanova G. R.
Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs
128 Orenburgsky Road, 420059 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


In the following article, the contribution of scientist N. V. Krushevsky to the formation of modern linguistics is examined. His legacy is analyzed by contemporaries and foreign researchers. Including a high assessment given by American linguist J. Radwanska Williams. Particular attention is paid to the role of N. V. Krushevsky in the activities of the Kazan linguistic society, which became the prototype of the Kazan linguistic school. J. Radwanska Williams presented an objective scientific review of the main provisions of the linguistic concept and works of N. V. Krushevsky. N. V. Krushevsky, as an outstanding representative of the Kazan linguistic school, made a significant contribution to the development of modern linguistics. Among the most striking provisions of N. V. Krushevsky there are the doctrine of the phoneme, the laws of associations by similarity and contiguity, the theory of alternations, the law of the correspondence of the world of words to the world of thoughts, and others; they have all enriched linguistic science. The authors come to the conclusion that the scientific works of N. V. Krushevsky are generally positively assessed by both Russian and foreign linguists.


  • • linguist N. V. Krushevsky
  • • linguistic theory
  • • sound law
  • • assessment
  • • J. Radwanska Williams
  • • Kazan Linguistic Circle


  1. Krushevskii N. V. Ob "analogii" i "narodnoi etimologii" [On "analogy" and "folk etymology"]. Kazan', 1879. Pp. 109-120.
  2. Krushevskii N. V. Nablyudeniya nad nekotorymi foneticheskimi yavleniyami, svyazannymi s aktsentuatsiei [Observations on some phonetic phenomena associated with accentuation]. Kazan', 1879. Pp. 94-104.
  3. Krushevskii N. V. Lingvisticheskie zametki: 1. Noveishie otkrytiya v oblasti arioevropeiskogo vokalizma; 2. Izmeneniya soglasnykh grupp vida EE; 3. O morfologicheskoi absorbtsii [Linguistic notes: 1. The latest discoveries in the field of Ario-European vocalism; 2. Changes in consonant groups of EE type; 3. On morphological absorption]. Kazan', 1880. Pp. 33-62.
  4. Krushevskii N. V. K voprosu o gune. Issledovaniya v oblasti staroslavyanskogo vokalizma [On the question of guna: A study in the field of Old Slavic vocalism]. Kazan', 1881.
  5. Krushevskii N. V. Otchet o zanyatiyakh sravnitel'nym yazykovedeniem [Report on comparative language studies]. Kazan', 1882. Pp. 1-36.
  6. Krushevskii N. V. Ocherk nauki o yazyke [Essay on the science of language]. Kazan', 1883.
  7. Krushevskii N. V. Ocherki po yazykovedeniyu: 1. Frantsuzskaya grammatika; 2. Antropofonika; 3. Vazhneishie dannye fonetiki romanskikh yazykov [Essays on language studies: 1. French grammar; 2. Anthropophonics; 3. The most important data of the phonetics of Romance languages]. Kazan', 1891, 1893, 1894. Pp. 66-271.
  8. Krushevskii N. V. Predmet, delenie i metod nauki o yazyke [The subject, partition and method of the science of language]. Kazan', 1894. Pp. 1-90.
  9. Bairamova L. K., Tazeev G. G. Kazanskaya lingvisticheskaya shkola: N. V. Krushevskii i interpretatsiya ego idei otechestvennymi lingvistami [Kazan linguistic school: N. V. krushevsky and interpretation of his ideas by Russian linguists]. Kazan', 2010.
  10. Bogoroditskii V. A. Lektsii po obshchemu yazykovedeniyu [Lectures on general linguistics]. Kazan', 1913.
  11. Baudouin de Courteay J. A. Izbrannye trudy po obshchemu yazykoznaniyu. V 2-kh t. [Selected works on general linguistics. In 2 volumes]. Moscow: Iz-vo AN SSSR, 1963.
  12. Tazeev G. G. III Mezhdunarodnye Boduenovskie chteniya: I. A. Boduen de Kurtene i sovremennye problemy teoreticheskogo i prikladnogo yazykoznaniya. Trudy i materialy v 2-kh t. Kazan': KGU, 2006. Vol. 1.
  13. Radwanska Williams J. K voprosu genezisa termina "morfema" v lingvistike. Shosta Vseukrains'ka naukova konferentsiya z istoricheskogo kraeznovstva. Luts'k, 1993. Pp. 467-468.
  14. Radwanska Williams J. Vospriyatie teorii N. V. Proshloe i nastoyashchee Volyni. Materialy Mezhdunar. konferentsii. Lutsk, 1991. Pp. 158-159.
  15. Radwanska Williams J. Izlozhenie istorii Kazanskoi lingvisticheskoi shkoly v universtitetakh SShA. Shosta Vseukrains'ka naukova konferentsiya z istorichnogo kraeznavstva. Luts'k, 1993. Pp. 485-486.
  16. Radwanska Williams J. History and Historiography of Linguistics. Amsterdam, 1990.