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Ufa as a text: the image of the national city on the example of the restaurant discourse of Bashkir cuisine

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 5. Pp. 334-341.
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Yakovleva E. A.
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
3-a Oktyabrskoi Revolutsii Street, 450008 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
Ismagilova A. F.
Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
3-a Oktyabrskoi Revolutsii Street, 450008 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The article is devoted to the study of the national image of Ufa from the aspect of semiotics and the role of culture as a factor in the organization of urban text space. The interest in this topic stems from the unified standardization of modern urban development, which blurs the sociocultural differences between ethnic groups. The study is based on a description of the linguistics of the local restaurant of national cuisine from the point of view of the creolized text, which has a heterogeneous structure. The analysis showed that the restaurant discourse contains archetypes that are important for Bashkir culture, which can be seen both in the dishes of the national cuisine and in the decoration of the establishment. The archetypes contained in the menu reveal the characteristics of Bashkir everyday life through a verbal series of foods - abundance of milk products point to cattle breeding as the basis of life, consumption of horse meat as the basic meat ingredient of dishes testifies to horse breeding and nomadic-breeding in their way of life, and the honey present in their desserts depicts the image of skilled beekeepers. The decor of the establishment, analyzed as a non-verbal part of the discourse, shows visitors features of the Bashkir ornament shaped under the influence of Islam, and the paintings depicting the family’s everyday life contain the key archetypes of the national mythical culture - the Moon, horses, yurts, men and women dressed in traditional clothes. The results of the research proved that the presence of such restaurant in Ufa, demonstrating the peculiarities of Bashkir culture through the prism of the national cuisine, indicates successful implementation of the policy in the republic, aimed at preservation of linguistic diversity and ensuring respectful attitude for all the peoples who inhabit it.


  • • image of the city
  • • multicultural city
  • • creolized text
  • • city text
  • • restaurant discourse


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