On the linguistic ways of shaping professional identity of a language teacher
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 5. Pp. 322-333.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: amaliia.arakelova@gmail.comAbstract
Current research paper continues the ever-growing trend of studying ways in which professional identity is shaped. Based on the linguistic, cognitive, and pragmatic analysis of professionally oriented literature, this study reveals most prominent aspects involved in the formation of the professional identity of a language teacher, including linguistic mechanisms and cognitive processes that influence a professional’s worldview and language use. The article offers notes both on the content of the preface as a major part of the professional literature, and on its instrumental power in shaping discourse, and through it - professional identity. Certain values dominate a professional’s life; their perpetuation depends on the language as much as on the societal and institutional practice - a factor, which grants linguistic approaches to studying discourse components. A closer look into the language of “professionals” allows for a deeper understanding of communication patterns employed by representatives of the teaching profession. The novelty of the study is conditioned by the lack of linguistic research that explores language features and axiological meanings of educational literature, which are an integral part of defining one’s professional self. As a result, the authors have revealed axiological concepts, evaluations, institution specific lexis, and discourse markers to be an influence on professional identity formation.
- • discourse markers
- • institutional communication
- • concepts
- • linguistic axiology
- • pedagogical discourse
- • professional identity
- • values
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