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A case of language borrowing in Biblical Hebrew and Byzantine Greek

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 5. Pp. 305-314.
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Tsoi A. K.
Saint-Petersburg State University
7/9 Lieutenant Shmidt Embankment, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia


The author of the article studies two cases of borrowing in Biblical Hebrew and Byzantine Greek from Aramaic and Classical Syriac. In both cases, the lexeme with the root bzq was borrowed, while the Biblical and Byzantine texts, where the borrowing first appears, are connected literary - the author of Corpus Macarianum, written in Greek, was influenced by the story of the vision of the prophet Ezekiel opening the corresponding biblical book, and the exegesis of this vision is for corpus is a program piece, in which the main themes of the remaining parts are set. The reasons for borrowing vocabulary are also similar - these are socio-political processes in which native speakers are involved. The article examines the cases of the use of the lexeme in the classical Syriac and Byzantine Greek on the material of the corresponding dictionaries and thesauri. Lexicological analysis showed that if in classical Syriac this lexeme is often found in a wide time range and it corresponds to two main sememes connected with each other systemically, in Byzantine Greek the lexeme is used extremely rarely, and its meaning is extremely narrowed, which is also due to political and ideological changes. The linguistic meaning in the Syriac language also suggests a new interpretation of the vision in Ezek. 1: 13-14, where the movement of animals is compared not with lightning, but with stone fragments quickly moved by a hurricane wind or tornado that accompanies a thundercloud.


  • • the book of Ezekiel
  • • Corpus Macarianum
  • • linguistic borrowing
  • • lexicology
  • • lexicography
  • • semaseology
  • • diachronic linguistics
  • • semitism


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