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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Constituents of the microfield of equality of the functional-semantic category of comparability in the Yakut language

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 4. Pp. 256-263.
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Kharabaeva V. I.
Institute of Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch
1 Petrovsky Street, 677027 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia


The article is devoted to the features of functioning of the components of the microfield “equality” in the functional-semantic category of comparativity in the Yakut language. Comparison is a logical action, the purpose of which is to compare two components that are homogeneous in nature for a deeper understanding of the essence of one of them. In modern linguistics, the result of the comparison, i.e. the revealed similarity/distinction between things (objects, thing, phenomena), is combined under the term comparability. Within the category of comparativity, there is a microsystem of means serving for expression of value of equality. The microfield of equality of the category of comparativity is characterized by the expression of similarity of signs of objects and phenomena of reality. This article reveals the specifics of the functioning of comparative constructions with standards of comparison containing postpositions kurduk ʽlikeʼ, keriete ʽword’, tene ʽlikeʼ, saҕa ʽsizeʼ. Attention is paid to the distinction between real and unreal comparison. Two types of unreal comparison are considered in the paper: irreality in a complex sentence and irreality in a simple sentence. In a complex sentence, which describes disjoint situations, the first is understood as a real situation, the second as its entirely fictional image, which must be correlated with the first representation. In a simple sentence, irreality is based on the imagination of the author.


  • • Yakut language
  • • semantic category of comparativity
  • • microfield of equality
  • • comparative constructions
  • • real and unreal comparison
  • • complex sentence


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