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Current Issue

Peculiarities of expressing humor by means of modal elements in English and Tatar languages (based on the fiction analysis)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 3. Pp. 196-206.
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Mullagaliev N. K.
Kazan Federal University
18 Kremlyovskaya Street, 420008 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Khisamova V. N.
Kazan Federal University
18 Kremlyovskaya Street, 420008 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


The article explores the features of transmitting humor by means of a functional-semantic category of modality in the English and Tatar languages. The work is based on the authentic material of Anglo-American (“The catcher in the rye” by D. Salinger) and Tatar (“Fathulla Hazrat” by F. Amirkhan) fiction. The novels chosen provide unique examples of literature, describing inner conflicts of the heroes and their efforts to contradict the realities of life by revolting against the role models of the society they occur in. This fact presupposes a very interesting research material that can be described as an interweaving of humor and embarrassment, where the authors of the novels use a wide range of modal expressions. During the study, the authors provide comparative analysis of modal relations carrying humoristic effect and define the most typical features for each of the languages. Thus, many funny situations ridiculing heroes or objective reality are explained via the semantic framework of modal elements. As a result of the study, the authors describe the most common means of the languages used to display modality and show the possible links between modal expressions of English and Tatar. Moreover, the authors highlight that the humorous effect in English is mostly achieved by means of context, whereas in Tatar, modal elements come as an axis of bearing the construction of all the comical situations.


  • • comparative linguistics
  • • fiction
  • • modality
  • • means of expressing modality
  • • humor
  • • English
  • • Tatar


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