Specificity of cooccurrence of conjugated terms and linguistic markers of systemic relations between them in academic texts
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 5. Pp. 371-376.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: latumn@pgu.ru Abstract
The article is devoted to the specificity of terminological units together with markers of systemic relations existing between them in the structure of definitions and fragments of scientific texts. The study is focused on the technical terms of astrophysics and nanotechnology and the contexts where they appear. The representation of conjugated terms in the structure of one or more sentences are considered. The article highlights some peculiarities of language representation and verbal expressions of systemic relations that pave the way towards further study. The functioning of conjugated terminological units with markers of systemic relations between them seems to be a very ambiguous and multidimensional phenomenon. It is determined that both conjugate terms can be represented as a part of one simple or complex sentence. It is also established that conjugated terms can refer to two different sentences. The order of conjugated terms and marker of systemic relation may vary.
- • technical term
- • academic concept
- • terminological semantic network
- • systemic relation
- • linguistic marker
- • hierarchical relation
- • system
- • typology
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