Methodological approaches to multiple aspect analysis of advertising language manipulative opportunities
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 5. Pp. 334-342.
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Manipulative communicative effect of advertising in the context of digital transformation of consumption is the object of interdisciplinary study. The aim of this paper is to identify methodological approaches to a multiple aspect analysis of the phenomenon of neurolinguistic manipulation. Taking a system and complex perspective on the manipulative effect of advertising texts, the authors consider the manipulative communicative impact on consumers as a complex polysystem functioning under the influence of the advertiser, combining subsystems of different qualities by the common manipulative goal and ensuring its effectiveness through the relationships between communicative strategies, linguistic means, pragmatic validity, and neurophysiological and neuropsychological processes. The authors conclude that at all structural levels, linguistic means possess numerous properties producing a manipulative effect on advertising end-users. The authors’ finding that the language manipulative capacity manifests itself both as the driving force and the instrumentarium of the manipulative communicative effect of advertising texts is of special actuality.
- • advertising
- • manipulation
- • functional polysystem
- • language means
- • manipulation targets
- • neuroprocesses
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