Dialect names of Yakut dishes (products) in the context of linguistic view of the world
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 2. Pp. 141-152.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: 1953307@mail.ruAbstract
Verbalization of ethnic culture is one of the primary indicators of the ethnic self-definition. In various layers of vocabulary, it is possible to reveal the system of spiritual and material culture, which can reveal the linguistic view of the world: national character, social stratification, traditional activities, everyday life, etc. Texts of various kinds (lexicographical sources, ethnographic works) can be fundamental for interpreting cultural realities, since branched semantic searches, linguistic facts fix the people’s worldview in connection with the outside world. In this article, the author makes an attempt to represent the characteristics of the food ethnic culture of the Yakuts. For the most complete presentation of the food code of a culture, the dialectological material of the Yakut language is observed, in which not only semantic parallels with Turkic languages can be revealed, but also the specificity of the Yakut national cuisine. In addition, the anthroponymic, phraseological vocabulary of the Yakut language was used to uncover some aspects of the food culture code. It is revealed that the names of traditional dishes (products) depend on the preservation and development of traditional occupations of the people: animal husbandry, hunting, fishing, gathering. The obtained results (including the linguistic view of the world of Turkic-speaking peoples revealing the lexical parallels of the lexico-thematic group ’food’) are integrated into the general concept of food ethnic culture of the peoples of Russia.
- • Yakut language
- • dialectology
- • dialectisms
- • literary-normative vocabulary
- • food ethnoculture
- • linguoculturology
- • culture code
- • linguistic view of the world
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