Outdoor advertising of under construction residential real estate in Ufa
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 77-86.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: alsu.ismagilova@gmail.comAbstract
The authors of the article consider the phenomenon of the modern city, namely the city as a text, an integral part of which is the language of advertising, which takes an active part in shaping the image of the city. Based on this, an analysis of the advertising of Ufa as one of the components of the urban text, which provides the dialogue between the city and the citizens. The outdoor advertising was taken as the material for the analysis. The authors selected and studied 100 banners related to trading of residential real estate that are being built in Ufa. Such a deterministic approach to the mass sampling of materials made it possible to show the most popular concept used by developers in advertising of residential complexes, and the main manipulation targets in the acquisition of residential real estate. A detailed analysis of one of the banners with a non-standard design was carried out, which clearly demonstrated the influence of verbal and non-verbal parts of the creolized text on each other. This analyses helped to reveal the main techniques used by advertisers to retain potential buyers and attract them to sales offices. In addition, the authors carried out a detailed analysis of pins used in font and analyzed each color used in the advertising banner, both separately and in combination with other colors. Due to this analysis, it was clearly demonstrated how the suggestive function of advertising works. The study shows that the language of advertising is an integral part of the urban text, where you can track not only the actual problems of the citizens, but also the ways to solve them.
- • advertising text
- • creolized text
- • language message
- • denotative image
- • connotative image
- • language Association
- • color in advertising
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