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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The perception of the poetical world of the character and the poetical world of the author in the novel “The Goat Song” by Konstantin Vaginov

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 58-67.
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Livskaya E. V.
Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky
22/48 Stepan Razin Street, 248000 Kaluga, Russia


The paper is focused on the novel “The Goat Song” by Konstantin Vaginov, which is considered as a multi-level construction viewed in the context of the interaction of the poetical world of the character and the poetical world of the author. The subject-object organization of the text in the novel includes a complex relationship like “character-character”, “author-character”, “author-reader”, confirming the idea of the postmodern game nature of Vaginov’s texts. Along with the depiction of the post-revolutionary Leningrad, the writer creates a conditional model of reality, using the ancient and literary plots as its basis. It is obvious that in the new world of pure art, it is the creator, who will assume the divine function. Since creativity involves sacrifice, the image of the creator in the novel is likened to the image of the Savior. The theme of creativity in the novel is embodied on several levels of the subject-object organization of the text: the author intentionally includes himself in the plot of the novel, enters into direct interaction with his characters. The playful nature of his appeals to the reader, the deliberate destruction of the integrity of the classic artistic text transform the novel into a large-scale polyphonic reflection on the meaning of creativity, on the search for the very word that can express the true meanings of things. The complex subject-object organization of the text and its rich intertextuality enable Vaginov to move post-revolutionary events from historical level to universal one, thus, include up-to-date reality into his own neomyth.


  • • Russian literature
  • • narrative
  • • subject-object organization of text
  • • mythopoetics
  • • intertextuality


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