Culture and creativity: the regional specificity in the strategy of development
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 1. Pp. 40-57.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: oskarnauhova@sfedu.ruAbstract
In a knowledge-based society, economic growth depends on the realization of new ideas. Creative people, creative industries and the creative economy are considered to be the most important factors of economic prosperity and change management. The author of the article analyzes the cultural specificity in the support of creativity in the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy. A comparative analysis of the World Values Survey by R. Inglehardt, data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and Entrepreneurship Eurobarometer G20 enables determining the regional differences between Europe and Russia in cultural practices within the decision-making process. This can serve as a basis for further cross-cultural study of the clashes between global economic systems, creativity and innovation requirements, internal institutional and social resources to support/reject innovation and culturally supported behavioral patterns of those identified as drivers of the new economy.
- • culture of economy
- • knowledge economy
- • creativity
- • strategy of development
- • decision-making
- • innovation
- • behavior pattern
- • entrepreneurship
- • G. Hofstede
- • R. Inglhardt
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