Objective difficulties in extracting data on the hierarchical correlation of technical terms from academic texts
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 5. Pp. 396-408.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: laatuu@yandex.ru Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of the detection of the systemic organization of adjacent concepts linked by the hierarchical types of relations based on the analysis of academic texts as it is applied to terminological network construction. The research is focused on the technical terms of astrophysics and the contexts where they appear. The objective difficulties in detecting the correlation of concepts linked by hierarchical systemic relations are considered on example of such technical terms as active galaxy, active galactic nucleus, radio galaxy, Seyfert galaxy, quasar, BL Lacertae object and blazar. The verbal representation of different and sometimes controversial variants of their correlation and some linguistic and extralinguistic factors that may stand behind their existence are analyzed.
- • technical term
- • academic concept
- • terminological semantic network
- • systemic relation
- • linguistic marker
- • hierarchical relation
- • system
- • typology
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