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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Gumilyov’s everyman in his poetic collection “The Pillar of Fire”

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 5. Pp. 386-395.
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Safiulina R. M.
Moscow University of Industry and Finance “Synergy”
2 Izmailovsky Val Street, 105318 Moscow, Russia


The author of the article deals with the problem of the universal person (“everyman”) in N. S. Gumilyov’s latest poetic collection “The Pillar of Fire” (1915). It was concluded that Gumilyov created in his works a poetic interpretation of the problem of human in accordance with the discoveries of new sciences about human, which appeared in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: anthropology, phenomenology, sociology, psychoanalysis. In the collection “The Pillar of Fire”, the mythologized story of the human fate is revealed. For the first time, the poet creates a mythopoetic portrait of a human of cosmic significance, a “human” as philosopheme and mythologeme. Representation of human image as everyman gave Gumilyov opportunity to reach the phenomenological depth of the universal essence of a person, revealing the anthropological constant - the unifying essential beginning of “Human”. In the collection “The Pillar of Fire”, he revealed the uniqueness of human in the universe; human are different from everything on earth, sublimating “their own fate”. Through the text “The Pillar of Fire” passes the idea “We change souls, not bodies” as an antithesis to other living beings who change only bodies. This idea of “evolution is the process of soul ascension” is central for all other poems in the collection, including the “Lost Tram”. N. S. Gumilyov compose his everyman from a multitude of “fragments” of human destinies recorded in his poems; he turned individual stories into a single “body” of humanity. This “body” was conceived at the dawn of humankind; it passes through the modern era (era of the poet) and goes into infinity, the future. Therefore, the lyrics of Gumilyov are “open finals”. In the collection “the Pillar of Fire”, the “body” of humankind (“Lost Tram”) reduced in the mind of the poet to the form of a “long-distance tram”.


  • • Gumilyov
  • • human
  • • everyman
  • • Bergson
  • • memory
  • • anthropology
  • • phenomenology


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