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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Transformation of values in the process of formation of postindustrial society

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 273-283.
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Partsvaniya V. R.
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
84/1 Vernadsky Avenue, 119571 Moscow, Russia
Khupeniya N. R.
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
27/4 Lomonosovsky Avenue, 119991 Moscow, Russia


An attempt was made to comprehend the factors contributing to the change in the value orientations of a person during the transition of the society from the industrial to the postindustrial state. The authors of the article studied the differences of the value bases of different types of societies, methodologically distinguished according to the type of technological and economic basis. It was demonstrated that under the influence of postindustrial tendencies, many societies lose their social and cultural features determined by the industrial mode of economy, and acquire new ones reflecting the emerging civil society and more humanistic character of interpersonal relations. On the basis of logical and analytical approach and the methods of comparative analysis, the authors revealed the factors deterring formation of qualitatively different society. Among these factors, the authors emphasized the most significant ones such as the complicating of social relations, which follows the “deepening” of postindustrial mode, as well as the traditionalist views that are represented in different forms in all types of societies and aimed at preserving existing value orientations. The authors concluded that in the depths of the postindustrial society, despite the progress in overcoming the classical confrontation of strata, unfolded around ownership of the means of production, a dangerous social conflict is arising. It was discovered that this conflict is caused by “different ordinal” value motivations of the emerging social groups and is fraught with political cataclysms.


  • • value orientations
  • • industrialization
  • • tradition
  • • postindustrial mode
  • • humanism
  • • prosperity
  • • progress
  • • alienated class
  • • intellectual class
  • • social conflict


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