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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Mass culture as globalization phenomenon

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 260-272.
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Suhina I. G.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
31 Shchors Street, 83050 Donetsk


The author of the article studies the modern mass culture as the globalization phenomenon expressing the tendencies of a cultural universalization in the world connected by achievements of modernization on the basis of scientific and technical progress. Communication of mass culture with modern technologies (information technologies in the first place) is shown. The author performs a complex analysis of the mass culture. The phenomenon is analyzed, on the one hand, as the component of modern cultural and historical process connected with mass distribution and socio-cultural adaptation of achievements of modernization is submitted, and on the other, as the cultural project of westernization, the global distribution of western (especially American) culture, its principles, standards, and values. The most important feature of the complex analysis of mass culture is the analysis of its worldview contents. It is shown that in its worldview, mass culture represents consumerism connected with justification of values of consumer society and a way of life. The author supposes that the worldview of mass culture reflects understanding of self-affirmation of a person from a position of stimulation of growth of requirements, mostly material requirements, as the economic systems of the developed industrial and post-industrial societies are focused on them. The anthropological addressee of mass culture is “the mass human” having standard system of requirements. The influence of mass culture on such kind of person is very high. Therefore, the realization of enculturation and socialization functions of mass culture in the socio-cultural environment integrated by it is considered from a position of the growing social influence. The author also considers mass culture with its inherent technological capabilities and communicative resources as a product of long-term process of formation of the global meta-culture connected with multidimensional dialogue of cultures in the conditions of information globalization. This process is expressed by a tendency of a cultural universalization as the most important direction of globalization in the modern world.


  • • mass culture
  • • modernization
  • • globalization
  • • cultural universalization
  • • westernization
  • • mass media
  • • values


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