The cultural connotation of the word “weapon” in Russian and Chinese languages
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 2. Pp. 141-145.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: wanghaitao2016@mail.ruAbstract
The author of the article studies the cultural connotation of the Russian word “weapon” and its correspondences expressed in Chinese by two words: 武器 [wuqi] и 兵器 [bingqi] and analyzes expressions and phraseological units containing these words. The comparative analysis of the correlative language units reveals common and different national-cultural features of the semantics and functioning of these words, which are caused by both linguocultural and linguistic reasons. The word weapon in the Russian linguoculture has developed symbolic meanings. The semantics of the word weapon is bound with designation of the outbreak, the progress, and the end of war. The word weapon in the Russian language also has the meaning “means of struggle”. In the Chinese linguistic culture weapon also symbolizes the beginning of war, insurrection, or military coup. In the Chinese language consciousness, the word weapon is also associated with the notion of victory and defeat in war. Weapon in the Chinese linguistic culture is perceived as a symbol of the truce and peace. The words weapon and 武器 [wuqi]/ 兵器 [bingqi] in both linguistic cultures have rich cultural connotations, which are motivated by ethno-cultural and ethno-historical reasons. The development of connotations in the Russian and Chinese languages detects many common features and differences between the languages. There are specific names of weapons available in Chinese and Russian languages, but they are not considered in this article. It is concluded that cultural connotation of words is often accompanied by semantic, symbolic, emotional, and other specific elements.
- • connotation
- • culture
- • linguistic culture
- • weapon
- • language
- • national-cultural trait
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