Features of the naming of weapons and military equipment in contemporary information discourse
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 2. Pp. 132-140.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: e_yakov@mail.ru Abstract
In the article, the question of replenishing military terminology with new units is discussed in the context of modern information realities. The authors assert that the naming of the newly formed units occurs according to the type of re-nomination, which corresponds to the features of the presentation of new weapon models based on prototypes that already had their designations within the terminology system. In addition, as an example of the method of approving new names of weapon samples by the military department, a tendency is analyzed to expand the factors influencing the character of the transition of words of a common language to the category of terms of specialized terminology. In the work, the military names mentioned in the media texts are listed as illustrative material.
- • military terminology
- • secondary nomination
- • re-nomination
- • weapon complexes
- • military equipment
- • media
- • Internet
- • politics
- • new weapons
- • language and society
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