Neo-mystic consciousness as a ground for modern organization forms of development of religious and esoteric practices
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 2. Pp. 110-118.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: swolf63@mail.ruAbstract
In this article, some philosophical aspects of neo-mystic consciousness are considered. The author attempts to justify the influence of neo-mystic consciousness on social processes connected with desire of people for pilgrimage, with cognitive and religious, anomalous and esoteric tourism. The author is trying to answer the question: “Why all the mentioned practices take organized forms in our modern world?” The general characteristic of neo-mystic consciousness is considered. Some specific features distinguishing it from religious one are described. The object of the study is the process of involving people in practical actions of religious and neo-mystic character. The subject of the study is neo-mystic consciousness actually. The state of our modern society sets a precedent of transforming sacral into public and secular. It brings the following problem - the perception of some spiritual values, via which neo-mystic consciousness is formed, is commercialized. Steps that an individual undergoes choosing a mystic way of ideology are formulated. The role of mass media in this process is specified. At the same time, the author underlines the idea that neo-mystic consciousness is the ground for developing modern organization forms of religious and esoteric practices. Neo-mysticism as a set of different directions of theoretical and practical spiritual character has an eclectically mixed structure in its system. Eclecticism is characterized by a mixture of traditional ideas, mystic beliefs, information technologies, and Hi-Tech style. Neo-mystic consciousness contributes to stimulation of activities and formation of social vector in еру search of life purpose. Finally, the author makes conclusions about possible perspectives of development of such practices in social community.
- • neo-mystic consciousness
- • pilgrimage
- • cognitive and religious tourism
- • anomalous tourism
- • esoteric tourism
- • esoterics
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