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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Presidential political discourse as a means of manipulation: a pragmalinguistic aspect

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 1. Pp. 20-29.
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Chikileva L. S.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
23 Oleko Dundich Street, 123995 Moscow, Russia


The author of the article discusses a political discourse of the US president Donald Trump. The political discourse is considered to be a type of discourse based on views and beliefs, the purpose of which is to manipulate the consciousness of the addressee using strategies in order to form certain beliefs. The strategy in this case means the plan of implementation of the communicative task, necessary for effective achievement of the addressee’s goal, realized with the help of certain tactics. The choice of the subject matter is determined by the interest to political communication. The author analyses discourse strategies and markers, stylistic and lexico-grammatical means used as manipulative means in Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech, Victory Speech, and Inaugural Address. Special attention is given to the strategy of improvement, strategy of enhancement, and strategy for evaluation of alternatives. It is known that presidential public addresses are of great importance, therefore communicative skills of politicians and ability to speak in public play a great role in their political career. The analysis of D. Trump’s presidential discourse has revealed the use of discursive manipulative strategies and manipulative markers, numerous repetitions, calls for joint action, the use of “unifying vocabulary” (to inspire listeners to think about involvement in what is happening), slogans, inversion. It is noted that the presidential political discourse is an effective means of manipulating the consciousness of the nation and the formation of its outlook. The author concludes that speech manipulation is a complex phenomenon, the effectiveness of which depends on linguistic, psychological, extralinguistic, and social factors.


  • • political discourse
  • • manipulation
  • • positive self-presentation
  • • manipulative strategies
  • • manipulative markers


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