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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Linguistic norm in post-non-classical studies and the runaway world theory

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 1. Pp. 11-19.
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Kartushina E. A.
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
6 Volgin Street, 117485 Moscow, Russia


The article devoted to the study of elaborate correlation between language and ideology, language and culture. The author dwells on the shift in the key concept of social and humanitarian studies from a classical standard and language description to the flexibility in the language use and functioning. It is necessary to point out though that despite some similarities in correlation between language and culture on the one side and language and ideology on the other side, there are some differences in the pragmatic perspectives between these categories. The discourse that has been formed under the ideological influence tends to be formal and ritualized to a greater extent than those language structures that have been developed due to culturally consistent processes i.e. connection and transmission between the generations. The author also makes an attempt to apply the paradox of globalization by A. Giddens to social linguistics. The runaway world theory introduced by a British sociologist A. Giddens singles out that the globalizing world does not become predictable as globalization predominates, but, on the contrary, social and linguistic processes become less and less manageable. The understanding of language and society becomes more complicated and demands new doctrines and innovative concepts, such as post-non-classical paradigm might conjure in. The author also takes into account the causes making standard language too flexible and changeable. The main cause of this process is an intent conditioned by certain communicative situation or by certain reasons to alter illocution of the utterances for representing identity, resulting in turn to more prestigious or more sophisticated language.


  • • sociolinguistics
  • • post-neoclassicism
  • • linguistic norm
  • • language and ideology
  • • language and globalization
  • • language and culture


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