The contribution of Soviet researchers to the scientific study of the Yakut heroic epic “Olonkho”
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 6. Pp. 468-476.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: gelinica@yandex.ruAbstract
The modern world, which is in need of spiritual guidance, is forced to turn to its origins and traditions. The authors of the article summarize the experience of scientists, who studied the Yakut heroic epic “Olonkho” in the Soviet era. The authors consider scientific works of P. A. Oyunsky, who bring the studying of “Olonkho” to the scientific level; G. V. Ksenofontov, who raised the question of the historical significance of the Yakut epic as “the richest scientific source in the ancient history of the Yakuts” and initiated the theoretical interpretation of Olonkho’s significance in solving the issues of the origin of the people; A. P. Okladnikov, who studied the Yakut epic on the general background of the history and development of the epic heritage of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of Siberia and Central Asia related to the Yakuts; I. V. Pukhov, the founder of a comparative study of the Siberian peoples epics; G. U. Ergis, whose works are devoted to the ideological and aesthetic content of “Olonkho”, to the specification of its genre specificity; N. V. Emelyanov, whose works identified for the first time the typology and principles of the plot structure, revealed the variety of subject themes of “Olonkho”. Each of them made an invaluable contribution to the scientific knowledge of the Olonkho phenomenon and raised the level of scientific study of the Yakut epic.
- • Olonkho
- • folk art
- • scientific study
- • origin of Olonkho
- • plots
- • images
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