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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Germans of Novosibirsk region in the aspect of multilingualism (First results of the field work)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 6. Pp. 457-467.
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Aleksandrov O. A.
Tomsk Polytechnic University; Tomsk State University
30 Lenin Avenue, 634050 Tomsk, Russia; 36 Lenin Avenue, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
Luzik O. A.
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
60 Kievskaya Street, 634061 Tomsk, Russia
Shegolikhina Yu. V.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30 Lenin Avenue, 634050 Tomsk, Russia


The work is carried out in line with the Russian dialectology of the German language. Its relevance comes from the fact that it is devoted to one of the territorial forms of German, which was never before linguistically studied. The authors of the paper conducted the field work in the territory of Novosibirsk region and collected data that allow analyzing the language situation of the Germans residing there. In the proposed article, the first results of this analysis are presented, which give an idea of the main social and linguistic characteristics of the native forms of the German language in Novosibirsk region. In particular, the main components of the linguistic situation of the ethnoterritorial community under consideration are identified, the communicative power of each component is described, and the dialect identification of the native forms of the German language in the surveyed region is carried out. When modeling the language situation of the Germans of Novosibirsk region, the phenomena caused by interlingual contacting are emphasized. The authors show that on the territory of Novosibirsk region there are German idioms long staying outside the main continuum of German language and representing unique language formations. These language formations show signs of West Central German, and also includes phenomena caused by language interference. The simulated language situation is characterized as unbalanced - the demographic and communicative capacities of German dialects in the region under consideration are much lower than those of languages with majority status. It is noted that the demographic and communicative capacities of the described territorial forms of German language are in the process of a rapid decline.


  • • language of Russian Germans
  • • Novosibirsk region
  • • Russian dialectology of German
  • • field linguistics
  • • multilingualism


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