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Current Issue

Translation of the culture specific words in the scientific literature (on the material of the novel-biography by S. B. Smith “Elizabeth the Queen”)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 5. Pp. 425-434.
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Burova E. A.
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
125 Lenin Avenue, 300026 Tula, Russia


The article devoted to the study of one of the complex concepts in modern linguistics, namely realia. The realia are specific signs of culture and carriers of information about the world from the ethnic point of view. They include unique meanings, interacting with objects, and phenomena of one culture, not existing in the other. The aim of this work is to study the usage of culture specific words, their main features and functioning, and the ways of translation of such lexical units in scientific literature on the material of the novel-biography by S. B. Smith, “Elizabeth the Queen” and its official translation made by M. Desyatova. The analysis revealed the characteristic features of the realia, the main of which are uniqueness, unambiguous, non-equivalence, local and temporary coloring. It is also found out that all the realia, which were studied, function as markers of a foreign culture, create national historic flavor, provide aesthetization of everyday objects and character features. With regard to the methods of translation of the analyzed realia, the main of them are transcription, transliteration, calking, and descriptive translation. In addition, the author recorded individual use of hyponymic and contextual translation. Thus, still there is no single universal method of translation of national specific language, so the translator must make a conscious choice, assessing all the features of the culture specific words in a single segment of a text.


  • • realia
  • • culture specific words
  • • non-equivalent words
  • • scientific literature
  • • novel-biography
  • • transcription
  • • transliteration
  • • calking


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