The relation of educational success with the psychological characteristics of 4-7 grade students (longitudinal study)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 5. Pp. 404-408.
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27 students were studied during four years. The results of the psychological study of intelligence and motivation for learning have been associated with the success of learning. It was shown that the level of motivation falls from 4th to 7th grade, and the fall is more prominent for students having a higher level of motivation. In grade 4, the children with a higher level of motivation for learning earn higher marks in the subjects related to a cognitive interest (math, literature, biology, geography). In grade 5, educational performance falls for all students. In grade 7, the difference in marks of students with higher and lower motivation for learning is leveled. Intelligence is connected with success of learning for different subjects in grades 4 and 5. In grade 7, there is no relation between marks and intelligence.
- • motivation
- • learning
- • intelligence
- • success in learning
- • pupils
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