Intellectual catharsis
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 5. Pp. 376-385.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: vvilin@yandex.ruAbstract
On the basis of the idea of autopoetic system of human perception and reasoning, the author of the article proves the identity of truth and beauty. This identity is detected in the result of the manifestations of the “mental catharsis” inherent in the heuristic activity of the subject. The activity of the thinking subject is regulated by a mechanism of mental ordering, where the streamlining by beauty (simplicity, heuristic, solemnity, compactness, etc.) takes first place. Beauty as excess of the limit has no logical basis, but it has systematic justification as a form complying its purpose. Purpose complying form is harmonious: ontologically this is manifested in the effectiveness, feasibility, and optimality as “vital force”; this is manifested epistemically in reaching the depth and perfection as “mental strength”. The formal aspect of “mental strength” is interpreted as logical isolation, the integration of thoughts, and coherence of parts in a whole. The content of “mental strength” is understood as synthetic system of elements combined in the unity of understanding. The unity of the understanding is the highest consolidation principle of thinking of the subject, based on the reasonable potency of the soul. Reasonable potency of the soul is emergent by its nature: the intelligence evolves by generating anticipatory concepts produced by creative autopoiesis, which develops promising ideas according to the laws of tropical connotative imagination-based approval. The operating mode of the imagination, intellectual browsing of possibilities, is supported by techniques of spontaneous changing the world, a phantasmagoric metamorphosis. That is a tropical unity of thought and speech material (devoid of paranoid doubling of the world), which becomes joint according to the laws of harmony and beauty.
- • symmetry
- • harmony
- • perfection
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