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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Typological features of the concept “writer’s fate”: cognitive and linguocultural aspects

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 4. Pp. 330-338.
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Isaeva L. A.
Kuban State University
149 Stavropolskaya Street, 350040 Krasnodar, Russia
Melnichuk S. F.
Kuban State University
149 Stavropolskaya Street, 350040 Krasnodar, Russia


The differences between lingua-cultural and cognitive approaches to the definition of concept are considered in this article. In the cognitive approach, the main emphasis is made on how concepts are structured while in the linguocultural science concept analysis is meant to identify how culture is reflected inside the concept and whether it includes the evaluative component. Both approaches can be used together to provide a better description and interpretation of a particular concept. The aim of the authors of the article is to present the concept of “writer’s fate”, which has not yet been described in the scientific papers before. The authors have already proven that it belongs to a lingua-cultural concepts group and that “writer’s fate” is characterized as tragic, with loneliness and misunderstanding being its main features in native Russian speakers’ comprehension. The concept is analyzed now from cognitive point of view to show that it belongs to kaleidoscopic concepts, which content may be presented by different mental structures such as gestalts, frames, scripts, and some others. The authors conducted the analysis on the base of examples from the Russian poetry the 20th century and found enough evidence to prove the hypothesis in the poems written by V. Mayakovsky, A. Achmatova, M. Cvetaeva, M. Voloshin, B. Slutsky, D. Samojlov, A. Tarkovsky, and other poets.


  • • linguocultural science
  • • cognitive linguistics
  • • concept
  • • definition of concept
  • • kaleidoscopic concept
  • • gestalt
  • • frame


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