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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The role of social technologies in formation of innovative potential of human capital

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 3. Pp. 271-284.
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Belenkova O. A.
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1 Kosmonavtov Street, 450062 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


In the article, the problem of formation of innovation potential of human capital as a fundamental condition for development of innovative-oriented economy in the present-day Russia is considered. It is shown that the conception of human capital as an economic factor of social production, which is ingrained in contemporary social science, does not take into account the dynamics and strategy of human capital development that are conditioned by its socio-anthropological basis and are the condition for the formation of its innovative potential. The authors substantiates the proposition that the innovative potential of human capital should be deliberately formed by the administrative and managerial subjects of the society on the basis of developing the creative abilities and strengths of employees of business and economic spheres of social production. Implementation of a complex of social technologies is proposed to ensure the formation of innovative activity of producers in such spheres of social production as administrational, cultural, and educational. It is substantiated that the design and implementation of these technologies should be carried out on the basis of a complex methodology that integrates the tools of social philosophy, sociology and socio-philosophical anthropology. The application of the principles of an integrated methodology in the process of realizing administrational, cultural, and educational social technologies is necessary because it provides the dialectic connection of the objective and subjective conditions of the process of formation of the innovative potential of human capital on macro, micro, and meso-levels of society. It also gives an opportunity to include in the structure of human capital formation a broad set of personal qualities of workers, their ideological attitudes, and value orientations that should be accumulated in the system of innovative potential of labor motivation of employees constituting the human capital of the production organization (company). It is proved that the set of knowledge, skills, and social experience acquired by social actors in the process of realizing administrational, cultural, and educational social technologies in production organizations creates the actors’ need for self-actualization and development of their creative potential.


  • • human capital
  • • innovation potential
  • • social technology
  • • goal-setting activity
  • • mechanism of social technologies
  • • professional motivation


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