Characteristics of inexpressibleness for functional-semantic category
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pp. 174-181.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: marinamikhailova44@gmail.comAbstract
The characteristics of the meaning of inexpressible is given in the article. It is shown that in the Russian language semantics of inexpressible is represented as a binary functional-semantic category. It was determined that the nuances of semantics of inexpressible can be represented in the form of a gradational scale on which they are distributed within the opposition “complete inexpressibleness - complete expressibility”. The components of the situation of inexpressibleness inherent the means of transference of the value of inexpressible are described. It is shown that the definition of the components of situation of inexpressible contribute to the modeling of the field of semantics of inexpressible: what the concept of inexpressible means, in which situations semantics of inexpressible manifests itself; for whom this situation arises, how it is solved, can it be solved; by what means of language, speech and other semiotic systems it is expressed. It is determined that the situation of inexpressible includes seven components: the subject of speech inexpressibleness; an action that is impossible to express the statement; inexpressibility result of the process; objectivity of the situation described; reasons of inexpressibleness; the object of this situation; spatial area of the situation of inexpressibleness. It is shown that the central part of the functional-semantic field model components number 2, 3 and 4. The private values of the field of semantics of inexpressible were described for the first time. The definition of gradation nuances of inexpressibleness considering the paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspects of the study of the semantics were carried out for the first time.
- • semantics of inexpressible
- • functional-semantic category
- • functional grammar
- • modeling of semantic field
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