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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Structural and semantic features of neologisms in modern Chinese

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pp. 154-164.
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Lavrenyuk E. V.
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
41 Gogol Street, 690014 Vladivostok, Russia


The author of the article deals with the main issues of Chinese neologisms formation. Language is a complex and dynamically developing system. Vocabulary is one of the most unstable and changeable layers of a language; it is highly sensitive to any changes in the society. In the study, a number of neologisms found in Chinese dictionaries of neologisms published in 2012-2015 is analyzed. The research is based on the concept of linguistic motivation, which distinguishes three levels of motivation of lexical units: phonetic, morphological and semantic. Phonetically motivated lexical units under the examination are phonetic borrowings and homonymous lexical units. On the morphological level, such productive ways of word formation were analyzed as compounding, derivation, and such phenomena as acronyms and lettered words. Special attention is paid to the study of Chinese semantic word-formation where metaphorization plays an important role. The specific feature of Chinese metaphors is that abstract concepts are expressed with the help of concrete words, which is explained by national and cultural peculiarities of the Chinese language. Chinese native speakers perceive the world through concrete images that is conditioned by the Chinese language typology and the hieroglyphics.


  • • Chinese
  • • linguistics
  • • neologisms
  • • linguistic view of the world
  • • linguistic motivation
  • • semantic structure
  • • lettered words
  • • borrowings
  • • homonyms


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