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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Pragmalinguistic aspect of the political discourse as means of formation values of the nation

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 1. Pp. 82-94.
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Chikileva L. S.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
23 Oleko Dundich Street, 123995 Moscow, Russia


The political media discourse and its pragmalinguistic peculiarities are analyzed in the paper. The choice of the subject matter for the analysis is determined by the interest to media communication. It is noted that the political discourse is one of the effective means of influence on the collective consciousness. Various definitions of the concept “discourse” are given; special attention is paid to the presidential discourse. Discourse as a communicative event taking place in a social context is based on pragmatic situations and is studied taking into account such factors as a communicative situation, the addresser and the addressee of speech, the content of the communication, the pragmatic meaning of language units. The author analyses compositional, stylistic, and lexico-grammatical means used to create a pragmatic effect in the annual New Year addresses of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The effectiveness of presidential discourse is achieved due to the choice of words with positive connotation, the use of repetition, use of personal and possessive pronouns in the first person plural, the use of parallel syntactic constructions, and the use of both formal and informal styles. The author concludes that pragmatic means are of great importance for media discourse studies and presidential public addresses play an important role in shaping the moral values of the nation.


  • • media discourse
  • • pragmalinguistic aspect
  • • speech influence
  • • public address
  • • extralinguistic factors
  • • human values


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