The reconstruction of the cult of the deity “Irgiz” among the Bashkirs based on toponymy and mythology
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 6. Pp. 622-634.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: buharova_g@mail.ruAbstract
Due to the rapid development in the modern linguistics of anthropocentric and interdisciplinary studies, the idea is gaining ground that languages of the world are examples of various division (conceptualization and categorization) of the world. The article is devoted to the semantic reconstruction of the cult of the androgynous deity of the Bashkirs on the basis of toponymy and mythology. The study is based on the hypothesis that the collective linguistic consciousness or “collective unconsciousness” of different cultures and peoples is based on common values, which gives an indication of the universality of mythopoetical thinking of the peoples. The versatility of mythological thinking leads to the creation of typologically similar images related to the general idea. This suggests that the mechanism of cognitive knowledge and explanation of the world in different languages has some common ground. The object of this study are Bashkir hydronyms, the subject of analysis are linguocultural mechanisms of conceptualizing the world. This article is aimed at reconstruction of the archetypal meaning of the mythonym “Irgiz”, which became a hydronym, and to understanding of its origin based on theoretical principles of the relationship between language and thinking, language and myth, the universality of mythopoetic thinking of peoples, on mythological legends of the Bashkirs, and on the data of Bashkortostan’s toponymy. In accordance with the intended purpose, the author attempts to understand the peculiarities of the mythopoetic thinking of the Bashkirs related to the archetype of the “river”, “water”. For this purpose, linguistic facts (hydronyms), ethnographic and folklore materials of the Bashkir and other Turkic peoples, as well as facts of comparative mythology of the peoples of the world were considered, and on this basis an attempt to show the universality of mythopoetic thinking of peoples and to explain the origin of the Bashkir hydronym “Irgiz” was made. The research was conducted using the methods of linguocultural interpretation, semantic reconstruction, and etymological analysis. Folklore and mythological motives outlined in the paper helped the author to trace the thoughts of primitive human and to conclude that in the mythology of many peoples the belief in the divine essence of water is reflected: water is the source of life, of creation. This idea is incorporated in the name of the mythonym “Irgiz” rising to the reconstructed abstract deity, symbolizing the idea of combining two elements in one individual, the idea of creation and fertility.
- • Bashkir language
- • toponymy
- • ethnolinguistics
- • thinking
- • consciousness
- • symbol
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