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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Possible ways of future social development

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 4. Pp. 403-408.
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Zak L.
Karlovarský rozvojový institut
31 Hornická, Olšová Vrata, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Tsiganov V. V.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
21 Sadovaya St., 191023 Saint Petersburg


The authors deal with a question, which is hard to answer considering the context of the future of the social evolution. The authors suppose that one should ask rather about overcoming the current wave of individualism than about overcoming the current form of capitalism. Individualism dismantles any society and it is necessary to react by building stable dual relationships. It highlights the key role of a family. Collectivism, as well as individualism, are not able to create any kind of social structure and lead the society into the liquid of chaos or into the motionless totality. It states that the economic security of various societies is to certain extent affected by all possible production factors and that the reason of the success of their functioning is a balance between power, wealth and public support. It points out that it is necessary to keep a couple and its relationship as a basic element in theory as well as in practice. In legitimate cases of a production practise, it is possible to consider the human individual as the element. It condemns inhumane artificial terms such as “homo economicus”, human resources or human capital. In the conclusions, the authors appeal to restore humanity in society by the contribution of each individual and his interpersonal relationships.


  • • capitalism
  • • individualism
  • • collectivism
  • • human
  • • couple
  • • duality
  • • plurality
  • • recognition
  • • sharing
  • • solidarity
  • • family
  • • social structure


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