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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The cooperation of the Russian Federation and Australia in the sphere of nuclear power: history, current state and prospects

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 3. Pp. 310-318.
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Kayumov M.
Saint Petersburg State University
7/9 Universitetskaya Emb., 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia


Russian-Australian relations in the sphere of nuclear power are studied in this article. The history, evolution, current state and prospects of these relations are analyzed. Two agreements between the USSR/Russia and Australia on cooperation in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes of 1990and 2007 are studied and compared. The difference between two agreements is analyzed. Positive influence of these agreements on the intergovernmental relations is emphasized. According to the new agreement the expansion of cooperation in the sphere of peaceful use of nuclear energy comparing with the previous agreement is also underlined. The cooperation in the sphere of supply and trade of Australian uranium using international fuel cycle center at Angarsk for enrichment is analyzed and defined as good and profitable for both countries. The positive influence of the cooperation on all spheres is emphasized. Factors influencing on the development of the relations are outlined. The change of political situation led to the confrontation between partners and the suspension of Australian uranium sales to Russia. The suspension of cooperation instead of written and ratified agreement led to significant degradation of Russian-Australian relations in economic and humanitarian spheres.


  • • Australia
  • • Russia
  • • Australian-Russian relations
  • • atomic power engineering
  • • nuclear power for peaceful purposes
  • • IAEA
  • • uranium supply to Russia


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