Aspects of studying the Turkic root and the characteristics of types of monosyllabic root bases as a reflection of evolution process in development of agglutinative structure of the Turkic word form
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 3. Pp. 265-283.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: almazufa2004@mail.ruAbstract
The aspects of establishment of monosyllabism (or non-monosyllabism) of the Turkic and Mongolian morpheme are directly connected with the characteristics regarding the dissoluble unit (or indissoluble unit) of mentioned root bases. In the present work the author uses the term “root bases” keeping in mind a big and transparent closeness of root morpheme to the base on the range of its features and structural accordance as in the Turkic as well as in Mongolian languages. As it is known in Turkic scientific researches in last two decades of the leaving age division of monosyllabic root bases (names and verbs) on to smaller lexical-grammatical ones are considered as relatively new statement of the problem that has been treated skeptically enough. The majority of scholars were convinced in the possibility of holding such operation of “splitting” for purposeful searching and ascertaining of convincing arguments. They came to conclusion that monosyllabic roofs represented the category of historical one. It is supposed that everything that nowadays has removed in the researched Turkic languages of Ural-Volga region (as in all Altay languages) into the “passive stock of lexical order” used to be active and viable. This phenomenon presents certain interest for studying the process of the historical development of root’s structure as in turkology, so in Altaic studies, in which all the researchers who systematically studied the structure of a root using big linguistic material recognize availability of “dead roots”. At the same tune, some researchers consider “dead ones” those root elements that are not used in the linguistic practice self-dependently other ones the same root elements that cannot be removed from the derivative basis.
- • root
- • root structure
- • stem
- • name stem
- • verb stem
- • monosyllabic root
- • root morpheme
- • root prototype
- • original roots
- • corpus of root bases
- • agglutinative languages
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