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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The rotating universe (philosophical understanding)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 2. Pp. 131-160.
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Demidchenko V. V.
Kuban State University
149 Stavropolskaya St., 350040 Krasnodar, Russia
Demidchenko V. I.
Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School
135 Dzerzhinsky St., 350005 Krasnodar, Russia


The subject matter of the article is a standard cosmological model of the Universe. Contemporary opinion regarding origin, structure, and evolution of the Universe is of great interest. The answer to the question of the Universe origin is given by the Big Bang Theory. Is it possible to be sure in this theory correctness, which persuading of the Universe origination from the singularity fluctuation, when the World had appeared from nowhere, that is from abstract nothingness, further accelerated expansion of the Universe following the Big Bang, and its development up to present with inexplicable source of energy for that. However, in the extreme end of the meta-universe the speed of stellar formations runaway is about the light velocity. Further, there is a new problem, the finiteness of the Universe. There are two counter-opinions, if the expanding Universe is finite or infinite. A very important question arises here, the question regarding isolatedness of the Universe as a system. The problem of the Universe heat death (when the matter will stop its movement) is closely connected with it. For this reason it is the time to discuss the Universe entropy. There is a short description of notions and problems with reference to this branch of knowledge, as well as of Doppler and Ritz effects alongside with Habble Law. The authors’ detailed interpretation of an entropy is also suggested. The analysis of the existing model is followed by the idea of the authors about the Universe organization. The style of the article is popular-science. In the first part of the article the existing concept of the Expanding Universe Theory and the dynamical Friedmann-Lemaitre models are described; it deals with the existing concept of the Big Bang Theory as well as the dark energy and the dark matter notions. In the second part the author gives detailed interpretation of an entropy. In the last part the problem of theoretical basis and fact nonconformity within the Expanding Universe Model Theory and the authors’ idea about the Universe organization are considered.


  • • Universe broadening
  • • red shift
  • • space curvature
  • • Habble Law
  • • critical density
  • • Friedman Model
  • • singularity
  • • Big Bang
  • • dark energy
  • • dark matter
  • • gravitation
  • • antigravitation
  • • forces


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