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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The aesthetic value of mathematical knowledge and mathematics teaching

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 2. Pp. 108-121.
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Erovenko V. A.
Belarusian State University
4 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030 Minsk, Belarus


The article is devoted to identifying the value of the phenomenon of aesthetic value and beauty of mathematical knowledge and the beauty of mathematical theory of teaching mathematics. The aesthetic potential of mathematical knowledge allows the use of theater technology in the educational process with the active dialogic interaction between teacher and students. The criteria of beauty in mathematical theories are distinguished: the realization of beauty as the unity of the whole, and in the disclosure of the complex through the elementary; methodological interpretation of the beauty in the community of mathematical structures and optimal information content of the meta-language of mathematics; the practical embodiment of beauty in the formalization of the infinite through the finite. The beauty of mathematics is the force that permeates all the “layers of knowledge” not along, and across, although the effectiveness of mathematical activity due to aesthetic laws, which do not always lend themselves to unambiguous interpretation. In the article it is stated that, depending on the educational goals of communicative impact on the audience, in fact, “mathematical lectures theatricality” can have different characteristics, the most important of which are teachers artistry and artistic director's work of a teacher. This cultural phenomenon that includes the theatrical talent, helps create an atmosphere of cooperation needed in varying degrees of activity for pedagogical interaction. The author believes that such approach, developed on the basis of the Stanislavsky system, allows university professors of mathematics significantly improve mathematical lectures.


  • • philosophy of mathematics education
  • • aesthetics of mathematics
  • • theater and the pedagogical artistry


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