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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The organic principle of eurasianism and the prerequisite of change of the style of thinking dominating in modern science

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 6. Pp. 524-533.
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Koptelova T. I.
Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy
97 Gagarin Ave., 603107 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


In the article, the organic principle of the Euroasian philosophy is studied. The organic principle acts as a basis of special style of thinking and a certain methodology of scientific knowledge here. The Euroasian methodology of studying of development of society allows establishing of the nature of communications between social processes and the phenomena of wildlife. In the article, the most important components of the Euroasian organic principle of thinking are shown: special terminology and possibilities of its application for the description and forecasting of the social phenomena. Prerequisites of change of the style of thinking dominating in modern science are also noted. The author considers advantages of the organic principle of the Euroasian methodology in solution of national political, social-economic and cultural problems and in possible prospects of its use for formation of scientific methodology. The organic principle of thinking creates complex idea of reality, which can appear before us new, party unknown earlier. Lack of division of sensual experience and “pure reason”, irrational and rational in organic thinking is unconditional advantage of organic approach. Organic principle presented by the Euroasian philosophical organization of the beginning of the twentieth century and continued by Lev Gumilev in the theory of ethnogenesis acts as alternative developed in the west of one-dimensional, mechanistic methodology. It can be told with confidence that owning all of variety of intellectual traditions is necessary for the modern humankind to become capable to realize global ecological threats and negative consequences of influence of culture in which ethics of individualism prevails.


  • • eurasianism
  • • organic principle of thinking
  • • logician
  • • methodology
  • • science
  • • knowledge


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