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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Status and structure of methodology science

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 5. Pp. 339-346.
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Nazarov J. V.
Ural State Forest Engineering University
37 Sibirskii Hwy., 620100 Ekaterinburg, Russia


In the paper, the multilevel concept of methodology of science is reviewed. The author distinguishes five levels in the methodology of science. These levels vary in degree of generality and the nature of the relationship with philosophy. The first, most general level of the methodology of ways of learning of the studies (researches) on the application of science to philosophical methods such as dialectical and metaphysical. The doctrine of general scientific ways of knowing is the second, less common level of methodology of science. The essence of scientific methods is studied at this level, given their theoretical rationale. There are heuristic dignity, epistemological possibilities (epistemological opportunities), and the boundaries of applicability are identified. The third level of the methodology of science is the study of the system of general scientific ways of learning applied in any basic science. In addition to knowledge of the essence of these methods for the researcher requires knowledge of the basic problems of this science. The fourth level of the methodology of science is the study of the system of general scientific ways of learning and epistemological problems in any basic science. The fifth level of the methodology of science are the problems of narrower plan. This study questions the use of certain, specific methods of scientific learning. Thus, the methodology of science is complex and has a complicated structure. The two most general level the methodology are philosophical, the next two are common to philosophy and science, the fifth level is of a specifically scientific nature.


  • • methodology of science
  • • philosophy
  • • science
  • • levels of methodology science
  • • science of Earth


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