G. P. Fedotov about the national character in the history of Russia
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 4. Pp. 247-256.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: volkogonova@philos.msu.ruAbstract
The article deals with the concept of the Russian national type of personality by G. P. Fedotov (before 1948). The author finds the connection between Fedotov’s views and the theory of moderate social constructivism, according to which the formation of nation by elite can be successful only if it comes in accordance with geographical and historical “landscapes”. Russian type of personality is seen as a unity of two polar characters - “the muscovite” and “the intelligent”. The author points out that Fedotov considers culture as a main factor in the development of history, which makes the very existence of intelligentsia (and one of the sides of the Russian national character) the most important condition of solving many social problems in Russia.
- • national character
- • historical philosophy
- • spiritual elite
- • the formation of the nation
- • the Russian saints
- • the culture
- • the Russian intellectual
- • Muscovite
- • the historical experience of the people
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