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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

On the question of models of functioning of modern society

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 3. Pp. 205-214.
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Zak L.
Karlovarský rozvojový institut
31 Hornická, Olšová Vrata, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Tsiganov V. V.
Higher School of Privatization and Enterprise Development - Institute, North-West branch
24 Krasnoarmeiskaya St., 190005 Saint Petersburg, Russia


The article deals with a topic of the role of science in current society and focuses on the role of political economy. There has been a critical feedback to the fact that the social sciences subordinate themselves to the interests of power instead of looking for the models of healthy society. These models should correspond with the changes in the society and should not allow to be tied with unchanging paradigms and various “-isms”. Political economy should deal with the topic of human freedom and increasing social inequalities, which threaten the society. It is important to work with sustainable relationship of social-economical and natural environment and with the relationship of culture and nature.) It is a new way of understanding what production means and how the society should cope with it. It is not just about classic waste but also about negative externalities. The human cannot be reduced to “human resources” or “homo economicus”. The emphasis is laid on humanity and taking human as an indivisible individual. The article emphasizes the importance of full responsibility preference over limited responsibility and preference of the individual and community over an economical corporation. The society cannot be reduced or administrated as an economical or accounting unit. Good governance includes taking care of reproduction, justice and safety. It is all about sufficiency, dignity and trust among people. The most important is the fight for human freedom and independent life, which is the meaning of itself. People who are free and can persist in such fight, which is held by a spirit of unity, are important but also more and more rare. Political economy should look for the possibilities how to follow up the Jewish-Christian tradition without the God.


  • • political economy
  • • freedom
  • • justice
  • • solidarity
  • • responsibility
  • • individual
  • • family
  • • community
  • • corporation
  • • myth
  • • humanity
  • • sustainability


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