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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Complexity as a Characteristic of Postnonclassical Science

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 6. Pp. 417-424.
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Kazyaryan V. P.
Moscow State University
27 Bldg. 4 Lomonosov Ave, 119991 Moscow, Russia


The complexity is interpreted by the author as one of the properties of postnonclassical science. The idea of “complexity” is studied in the context of contemporary science; the main stages of its genesis are also identified. The author believes that the concept of A. I. Uyemov is a good tool for the theoretical interpretation of the phenomenon of complexity that is so typical for contemporary culture (in the broadest sense of the word). Base forming factor is the concept of the system, which, on the one hand, expresses the sense of the system (its emergent property), and on the other hand, expresses the intention (purpose) of human activity. This is not nothing but a systematic representation of modern innovative technologies that realize the unity of values and intentions (goals) of human. Systemness acts as a property of reality generated by the creative activity of a human in the implementation of its plans. Hence, the complexity of the systems as a characteristic does not apply to nature or to society per se, but to the human action, activity. Activities can be subdivided into theoretical research and practical (innovation) technological process. In the first case, we are dealing with postnonclassical science of nature, and the second - with a specific occupation - the science and art of management. In the article, the questions of genesis of a sense and idea of the complexity are studied and an attempt to determine what is the complexity as well as the result of this attempt in modern conditions are given.


  • • complexity
  • • activity
  • • designing
  • • system
  • • world of artificial
  • • applied mathematics
  • • system research
  • • information technology
  • • constructive realism


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