“Continous Silent Collaboration”: L. N. Tolstoy in Literary Journal “Vremya” of M. M. and F. M. Dostoevsky
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 5. Pp. 369-377.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: elennov@mail.ruAbstract
The ideas of R. G. Nazirov on the fact that relationship of F. M. Dostoevsky with his contemporary writers and thinkers was “silent collaboration” are elaborated in the article. It is shown that the attitude of Dostoevsky brothers’ journal “Vremya” to Tolstoy’s educational activity and creative work in the beginning of the 1860’s is the example of such “silent collaboration”. The first comprehensive analysis of any and all references to Tolstoy presented in the journal “Vremya” was carried out: A. U. Poretskiy’s note on the journal “Yasnaya Polyana”, special anonymous article about Tolstoy’s journal, “Zhurnal’naya zametka” by Dostoevsky, articles by I. G. Dolgomest’ev “Nekotorye pedagogicheskie i nauchnye tendentsii” and “Skazanie o ‘Durakovoi pleshi’”, a series of articles by A. A. Crigoriev about Tolstoy’s stories and the article by Ya. P. Polonsky about “Kazaki”. It is proved that Tolstoy, first of all, attracted Dostoevsky as a talented and indigenous educator, while his creative work was considered rather ambiguous within the journal. The current research is based on the set of literary methods including biographical, comparative, historico-literary, and intertextual.
- • R. G. Nazirov
- • F. M. Dostoevsky
- • L. N. Tolstoy
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