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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Conceptual Bases of Scientific Support for the Study of Global Information Space

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 4. Pp. 282-289.
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Makarov V. V.
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
61 Moika, 191186 St. Petersburg, Russia
Gusev V. I.
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
61 Moika, 191186 St. Petersburg, Russia


The discussing subject supposes that in a globalized society communication and information resources (the term of authors) not only provide for the needs of the subjects of relationships, but also become virtually uncontested basis of the progress of the human community. When creating information products, the main means of production of these intangible resources is the human intellect. Thus, the characteristic feature of the process of communication and information production is its subjectivity and lack of direct correlation between material costs and estimate the final cost of production of new information and intangible resources. This approach suggests a new paradigm of the global information space research.


  • • information
  • • computer science
  • • informology
  • • the Internet
  • • economy
  • • knowledge
  • • continuum
  • • networks
  • • information resources


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